The following How-To Clips are guides for creating and modifying appointments, using the Doppler Platform and much more! The Doppler Knowledge Base is also a helpful resource and Doppler Support is always ready to help; simply email or call/text (844) 624-0594.

NEW! Second Delivery Agent App Walkthrough

User Management

As a Second Delivery Agent, learn how to navigate the Doppler Agent App.

Learn how to add a new user in the User Management Module.


Learn how to filter your views within the Doppler Platform.

Learn how to create a Sales Appointment.

Learn how to create a Service Appointment.

Learn how to manually assign an agent to an appointment, Sales or Service.

Learn how to create a Service Drop Off Appointment.

Doppler Agent Application


Learn how to facilitate a Test Drive Appointment.

Learn how to facilitate a Service Appointment.

Learn how to view Forms for specific appointments.