Welcome to your NISSAN@HOME Services page. Here you will find content related to DRIVE@HOME, SERVICE@HOME and SECOND DELIVERY, in addition to promotional items and learning resources. Contact your Doppler Dealer Success Manager at (833) 633-0097 to learn more!

Success Contacts

  • Jill Carelli, National Dealer Success Manager
    (315) 491-0951, jcarelli@dopplerdrives.com
  • Krissy Labarge, Northeast Dealer Success Manager
    (315) 532-1157, klabarge@dopplerdrives.com
  • Arlene Majuste, Southeast Dealer Success Manager
    (239) 821-1780, amajuste@dopplerdrives.com
  • Marco Garcia, Midwest Dealer Success Manager
    (773) 849-8669, mgarcia@dopplerdrives.com
  • Fatir SheikhCentral Dealer Success Manager
    (214) 783-9325, fsheikh@dopplerdrives.com
  • Danielle Boda, West Dealer Success Manager
    ‭(760) 695-2828, dboda@dopplerdrives.com

The journey of the enablement process includes the following steps:

  1. New Client Form and Doppler Agreement using DocuSign
  2. Meeting 1 with your Success Team Associate
  3. Completing your Enablement Forms which include the following:
  4. The Dealer Point of Contact with a Manager role may add Dispatchers and Agents using User Management Module within the Doppler Platform.
  5. Meeting 2 with your Success Team Associate to review form submissions and finalize any open items.
  6. Meeting 3 with your Success Team Associate and the Doppler Support Team.

Materials coming soon!




Visit our Doppler Knowledge Base that has help articles for scheduling and using the Doppler Agent App.

Watch our How-To Videos that provide information on the Doppler Platform.


Self-guided learning resources are available at Doppler University: