Version 3.4
Last updated: 1/5/2023

Doppler Platform Contacts

Doppler Support Team
(844) 624-0594

Integration Steps

Step 1: Create a Function to map the data attributes and generate a url

Create a function that will pull the values for each list item (each vehicle in the vehicle list) and will create a url by mapping the necessary values.

Please also refer to the Data Attribute Tables at the end of this guide, which indicate the values that need to be passed as query parameters in the url for each placement type (homepage banner, vehicle search results banner, call to action buttons, etc.).

Please refer to the sample code below for a React application. Please modify the callToAction according to the technology used (in this example, it is openDopplerCampaign() function code).

Copy to Clipboard

Step 2: Add a Container to all the elements that need a Click to Action to open the Doppler experience

Add the container to all the buttons and banners. Pass the clickToAction function name that was created in the first step in the onClick.

Copy to Clipboard

Step 3: Determine Placement and Add Corresponding Data Attributes to Containers

Default Supported Placements (we can add new placements as needed):

  1. Homepage Banners
  2. Vehicle Search Results Banners
  3. Vehicle Search Results Buttons
  4. Vehicle Display Page Buttons


Here is a quick overview of what dataContext attributes should place and where.

“dataContext” Attribute

Data attributes are very important to place correctly as it will determine if a general inventory modal is displayed or if a specific vehicle’s information is displayed. Here is a quick overview of what data-context attributes should place and where.


Used for any banners on dealership’s website home page. This will display a general inventory modal for customers to search through to find a vehicle to test drive.


Used for banners on the vehicle search results pages. This will display a general inventory modal for customers to search through to find a vehicle to test drive.


Used for buttons on the vehicle search results pages where a specific vehicle can be selected to test drive. This will display a modal containing the specific vehicle for customers to book a test drive appointment.


Used for buttons on the vehicle display pages where a specific vehicle can be selected to test drive. This will display a modal containing the specific vehicle for customers to book a test drive appointment.

Data Attribute Tables

Homepage Banners

Used for any banners on dealership’s website home page. This will display a general inventory modal for customers to search through to find a vehicle to test drive.

Banner Artwork Files
Attribute Required? Definition Expected Value
slug Y Used to identify campaign nna
dealerCode Y dealer identification code
(must match the Doppler dealer/hub code)
[Nissan Dealer Code]
vendor Y Value must always be “doppler doppler
datacontext Y Used to identify source home-page
type Y Used to identify business type dealer
Lang N Used to identify which language to display

For English:  lang=en

For Spanish (Mexico):  lang=es_MX

When no “lang” attribute exists, English is the default language.


Example URL Format:${campaignslugvalue}&dealerCode=${dealercodeValue}&vendor=doppler&dataContext=home-page&type=dealer

Vehicle Search Results Banners

Used for banners on the vehicle search results pages. This will display a general inventory modal for customers to search through to find a vehicle to test drive.

Banner Artwork Files
Attribute Required? Definition Expected Value
slug Y Used to identify campaign nna
dealerCode Y dealer identification code
(must match the Doppler dealer/hub code)
[Nissan Dealer Code]
vendor Y Value must always be “doppler doppler
datacontext Y Used to identify source search-results-page-banner
type Y Used to identify business type dealer
Lang N Used to identify which language to display

For English:  lang=en

For Spanish (Mexico):  lang=es_MX

When no “lang” attribute exists, English is the default language.

Example URL Format:${campaignslugvalue}&dealerCode=${dealercodeValue}&vendor=doppler&dataContext=search-results-page-banner&type=dealer

Vehicle Search Results Buttons

Used for buttons on the vehicle display pages where that specific vehicle can be selected. This will display the specific vehicle for customers to book a test drive appointment.

Button Artwork Files
Attribute Required? Definition Expected Value
slug Y Used to identify campaign nna
dealerCode Y dealer identification code
(must match the Doppler dealer/hub code)
[Nissan Dealer Code]
vendor Y Value must always be “doppler doppler
datacontext Y Used to identify source search-results-page
vin Y vehicle identification number (17 character vehicle VIN)
make Y make of vehicle
*(if VDP, VSR, or similar, data-make is required only
IF data-vin is NOT provided)
model Y model of vehicle [vehicle model]*
trim Y trim of vehicle [vehicle trim]*
year Y year of vehicle [4 digit model year]
type Y used to identify business type dealer
Lang N Used to identify which language to display

For English:  lang=en

For Spanish (Mexico):  lang=es_MX

When no “lang” attribute exists, English is the default language.

Example URL Format:${campaignslugvalue} &dealerCode=${dealercodeValue}&vendor=doppler&dataContext=search-results-page &vin=${vin}&make={makevalue}&model={modelvalue}& trim={trimvalue}&year={year}&type=dealer

* please always pass model and trim values exactly as they are received from the OEM API

Vehicle Display Page Buttons

Used for buttons on the vehicle display pages where that specific vehicle can be selected. This will display the specific vehicle for customers to book a test drive appointment.

Button Artwork Files
Attribute Required? Definition Expected Value
slug Y Used to identify campaign nna
dealerCode Y dealer identification code
(must match the Doppler dealer/hub code)
[Nissan Dealer Code]
vendor Y Value must always be “doppler doppler
datacontext Y Used to identify source vehicle-page
vin Y vehicle identification number (17 character vehicle VIN)
make Y make of vehicle
*(if VDP, VSR, or similar, data-make is required only
IF data-vin is NOT provided)
model Y model of vehicle [vehicle model]*
trim Y trim of vehicle [vehicle trim]*
year Y year of vehicle [4 digit model year]*
type Y used to identify business type dealer
Lang N Used to identify which language to display

For English:  lang=en

For Spanish (Mexico):  lang=es_MX

When no “lang” attribute exists, English is the default language.

Example URL Format:${campaignslugvalue} &dealerCode=${dealercodeValue}&vendor=doppler&dataContext=vehicle-page&vin=${vin}&make={makevalue}&model={modelvalue}& trim={trimvalue}&year={year}&type=dealer

* please always pass model and trim values exactly as they are received from the OEM API

Service Page Banners

Banners for Service Scheduling pages. Note: This is artwork-only content and is not connected through source coding; artwork is for placement only.

BANNER Artwork Files